午前7時 2トントラックをレンタル
午前8時 関市の土蔵の中の骨董品、屏風および木箱、紙箱入りの贈答品、食器などを大量に買取(事前のご訪問で一部買取済で残りの骨董品など査定済、トラックが必要なことが分かっておりました)
午前10時半頃 詰め込みが終わり、関市の出張買取が終了
正午12時頃 倉庫に買取した荷物を降ろし、在庫をピックアップ
午後1時半頃 某オークション会場へ荷物の搬入、出品準備
午後3時過ぎ 出品準備完了

午後4時半頃 岐阜市へ出張訪問(100号サイズの絵画、茶道具があることは電話内容で確認済)。絵画、茶道具(表千家の惺斎書付の樂吉左衞門の茶碗の箱がありましたが、中身が違ういう残念な内容)、掛け軸のほかに、またもや大量の木箱、紙箱入りの贈答品、たち吉などの食器、湯のみなどがあり、査定後、買取成立。
午後7時過ぎ 荷物の搬出終了、岐阜市での出張買取が終了

午後9時頃 倉庫へ買取した荷物の搬入終了
This day, during the Golden Week holidays, was a day that was expected to be a hard schedule from the beginning, but it was a day that exceeded our expectations, and we were exhausted.
Schedule for this day
7:00 a.m. Rent a 2-ton truck
8:00 a.m. Large quantities of antiques, folding screens and wooden boxes, gift items in paper boxes, tableware, etc. in the storehouses of Seki City (partially purchased during the previous visit, the rest of the antiques have been appraised, track was known to be necessary)
Around 10:30 a.m. The packing is over, and the shopping trip to Seki City ends.
Around 12:00 noon Unload the purchased goods at the warehouse and pick up the inventory
Around 1:30 pm Bringing luggage to a certain auction site and preparing for listing
Past 3:00 pm Preparations complete
Around 4:30 pm, I made a business trip to Gifu City (it was confirmed by telephone that there was a 100-size painting and tea utensils). In addition to paintings, tea utensils, and hanging scrolls, there are also a large amount of wooden boxes, gifts in paper boxes, tableware such as Tachikichi, and hot water cups.
After 7:00 p.m. Finish unloading luggage, end business trip in Gifu City
Around 9:00 p.m. Finish loading the purchased goods into the warehouse
Days like this are rare, but the workload was beyond my physical strength.
My back pain is getting worse with physical labor like a moving shop. 2-ton trucks are available 24 hours a day.
I returned it before 7:00 in the morning to use it.
OGAWASHODOU will travel to Seki City to purchase antiques, works of art, paintings, and hanging scrolls.