藤井勉の絵画の買取 愛知県一宮市にて藤井勉の油彩画などの絵画を数点と花瓶や壺、急須などの骨董品、陶磁器などを出張買取いたしました。
In Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture, we went on a business trip to purchase several paintings such as Tsutomu Fujii’s oil paintings, antiques such as vases, pots, teapots, and ceramics. Artist Tsutomu Fujii is famous for his high-quality oil paintings of his own daughter, and we have purchased a still life painting with that fine depiction and atmosphere. It was a painting that was purchased in the past at an auction (not an online auction) of a certain famous auction company, which still exists today. We will visit Ichinomiya City to purchase paintings, antiques, works of art, ceramics, etc.
We will purchase paintings by Tsutomu Fujii.